Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Story of the Grail pt. 2

After reading the second part of this story I feel even more confused about the story. I already knew that the story was never finished, but I feel like there are many loose ends to the story. One of my biggest concerns is why Perceval travel the country side for 5 years and never went back to Blanchflor. He seemed so mesmerized by her, especially when he sees the blood in the snow. During the 5 years of his travels is he looking for the Fisher Kings castle in order to find the grail? I feel like he was. I just feel lost in the story. The last pages before the continuations didn’t seem to follow in a story line. I also don’t think I understand the significance of finding the religious hermit in the woods. Then the story goes back to Gawain. I also don’t understand how Gawain fits into the story.


The repetition of the colors white and red are obvious in the story. The blood on the snow, and then more references of Jesus on the cross. Which evoke blood on bare white skin. The blood on the tip of the lance at the Fisher King’s is brought up again too. These colors represent the good vs. evil aspect, that is shown again and again.


I just don’t see a moral to the story or any sort of ending even in sight before the continuations. I think I am confused because the story is not being brought full circle at the end. However, I am sure we will discuss this in class further.  

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