Tuesday, February 16, 2010

dante's Inferno Cantos final cantos

The first quote that I want to pick out is line 34 in canto 34:

“If he was as beautiful then as now he is ugly” This line stood out to me as a conclusion to how the punishment the souls are given in hell is directly correlated to the sin they committed in life. I think that it is interesting how all through the journey people’s punishment is based on the sin. I think it could also play on the idea of myth because in a myth you are supposed to read past the literal and into the underlying moral. In just this line I think it is saying that who you are in life is the person you will be for eternity.


The second example that I would like to point out is just a few lines down when the three heads of Satan are described. One is red, the second white/yellow, and the third black. From the notes I read that this can be related to the blood, flesh, and bruises of the body of Christ. I think it represents how the entire journey Christ has left his mark on Hell, and how all aspects of Hell relate back Christ. Through out the book many aspects evoke the death and body of Christ.

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