Thursday, February 25, 2010

Don Quixote-Day 3

I was not present for the last class and therefore I did not complete the blog. However, there is a major theme that I have come across this far through the book. I feel like it is the idea reprocussions. In the book there are points where Don Quixote's actions seem to puzzle me because he does things that seem mean and unchivralus, but because he is a knight he doesn't fall under the same moral code. One instance is when he goes to attack the farmer on the road and steal his shiney hat, which turns out to be a basin. How is it ok for Don Quixote to steal the basin and hurt someone? However another time when he comes upon the slaves and he lets them free and he steals all of Don Quixote's belongings it is not ok? The part that confuses me the most is that I was under the impression that Don Quixote saw and treated everyone the same, but he obviously holds himself to higher standards.It is just that Don Quixote seems to keep running around doing whatever he pleases with out feeling like he has any consequences for his actions.

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